
quinta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2013



The araponga is a passerine bird in the family Cotingidae. Also called guiraponga, uiraponga, blacksmith and farrier. Araponga is indigenous name and comes ara (bird) and ponga (sound).
His name means the (Greek) = prokinas character in Greek mythology who turned to swallow; and (Latin) nudus, nudis = naked, featherless; and collis = pescoço.⇒ (bird that has the neck without feathers, naked).

It has a flat head, broad and wide mouth, the beak is short. Adult males are entirely white, except the sides of the head and neck are bare of green copper which are implanted rare black hairs, black beak and brown feet, average size of 27 centimeters. The adult female has the upper olive part, on a gray head and yellow bottom with yellow-green and gray streaks, the neck is gray where intermingle up black striations, has less than male size. Yellow Crisso. Immature is similar to female with black head and neck, replacing green feathers turn by gray-green and white, the latest in vermiculadas parts of gray, the male becomes totally white with 3 years of age (Sick 1997).

It feeds on fruits, juicy berries and insects.

The male chooses certain branches of trees, which are used for many years for their singing ceremony attracting several females. The males of other species such as Pavo (Pyroderus scutatus), for example, sing together combine to form a true ring. Its reproduction occurs at the end of the year. The nest is like a shallow bowl resembling the wild pigeons. Sexual Odimorfismo occurs from 2 years of age. All child care is up to the female. It is she who builds the nest and it is for the creation of offspring. The position is about 2 eggs, the 23-day incubation period and the chicks leave the nest 27 days of age.

It has a very social behavior in the group, which has fixed dwelling in trees, in most cases in emerging (above the canopy) and may spend many years inhabiting the same area, even for several generations of the same family. It is a migratory bird. It inhabits primary forest, preserved forest, poultry houses with fruit trees, forests and coastal Atlantic Forest.
The birds belonging to Cotingidae family are among the most effective disseminators of plants whose fruits they eat. This is because the germination of the seed is not affected to pass through the digestive tract of these birds, and may even be maximized. It procuradíssima the market "bird cage" due to his corner and characteristic color. Illegal capture araponga in the wild and the increasing destruction of their habitat are the main threat of reasons.

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