
segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2013



The inhambu-Chinta is a bird in the tinamiforme Tinamidae family. Also known as inhambi chintão-and-inhambu of the Chough.
The inhambu-Chinta was immortalized in the composition of Athos Fields and Serrinha, in deTonico and Tinoco voices. Giving inspiration and rise to the name of the double Chitãozinho and Xororó.

It has intermediate size (21 cm wide and 15 cm) between the Inhambu Small-billed Tinamou (the smallest of its kind) and the inhambuguaçu. The male is slightly smaller than the female. The color of the back is bruno Brown, head and neck are dark gray, throat and the middle of the blue-gray belly; The rest of the gray underside, sides and belly lower tail coverts of whitish black edges.
The beak is red and purple legs. It is known for foot-purple, chintz, seal nozzle and codorninha (Ribeira / SP Vale). Presents geographic races throughout its distribution in South America. It is game species (hunting for food).
The cheetah name or chintz, comes from cryptic drawing the back feathers, which in the minds of our old mestizos, resembled the color of a "calico cloth."

Various seeds, insects, arthropods and worms.

Generally from September to December. Posture 3-5 pinkish hue of eggs, hatched by the male, for an average period of 19 days.

It is a relatively common tinamídeo in much of Brazil, which has good resistance to environmental disruption. Habita coppices, spikes of secondary forest, degraded plantations in areas of primitive native forest, crops (corn, coffee, cotton, etc.). In sugarcane and eucalyptus areas, may occur, upon native barns nearby, or understory. Its song consists of a rapidly descending scale, and variations thereof, in both male and female.

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