
domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013



The uru is a bird in the galliforme Odontophoridae family. It is a small forest cristate galináceo, also known as: Uru Capoeira, Capoeira, Uru Northeast, Piruinha.

Measures 24 inches long and weighs about 457 grams and 396 grams the male to female. This species, with greater tuft in males, slightly smaller than the Amazon Urus, lives in eastern Brazil. Apparently overnight spikes in the mountains, down in the morning to the deep trenches to feed during the day, as the Rusty-margined Guan (Penelope superciliaris). Important bird hunting in some places.
Odontophorus plumbeicollis capueira (Cory, 1915) - Northeast Brazil
Odontophorus capueira capueira (Spix, 1825) - Eastern Brazil


Sound bissilábicas series of notes "Uru-Uru Uru-..." which can last a few minutes, sometimes so slow that seems to stop. Vocalize in duets in the morning, close to their perches, which are the same, showing territoriality. In spikes, several flocks respond to each other in plaintive sequences that enchant with their strange and plaintive sound.

It feeds on fruits such as pigweed, of palmiteiros, decandra Phytolacca or pine nuts deAraucaria angustifolia, along with seeds and probably insects and arthropods.

Nest on the ground, sometimes in a hole, made, in any case, a construction of dry leaves that presents with a touch of the side entrance of solid ceiling. The burrows dug can be exploited by armadillos, where the bird hatching eggs 5 or more. The nidífugos pups hide in holes and cavities in the soil. They breed in the first months of the year, during the dry season (RODA, 2008).

Lives in eastern Brazil, the soil of the most dense and dark forests, which is seen in pairs or family groups of 15 or more individuals who are territorial and aggressive with neighboring flocks (locally common). When frightened, fleeing the ground running without flying.

Lives in clearings, Araucaria forests and subtropical forests in the Atlantic Forest slope at high secondary forests, board forests in the Northeast and in dry forests. The species inhabits areas of primary or in good repair forests.

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