The jacuaçu is a bird in the galliforme Cracidae family. Also known as jacuguaçu, guan and jacupixuna
Deforestation and indiscriminate hunting dramatically reduced the population of this species.
His name means the (Latin) = penis almost; and the (Greek) lophos = crest; and (Latin) obscurus = dark, dingy. ⇒ Ave dark with partial crest.
Southern species of large size, measuring 68-75 centimeters and weighing 1000-1200 grams (SIGRIST, T., 2009). Very dark green-bronze color; mantle, neck and chest finally striated white; anegradas legs. The male has a red iris, unlike the female. Species large and noisy. Notable by the weird and very strong noise they produce with their wings as they fly.
Although inhabit forests, down in the open for food. Are predominantly frugivorous, and in this highly specialized, according to Sigrist (2009), although it also feed leaves, sprouts, grains and insects. Among the fruits of native trees, this species of bird is very attracted to fruit guava. Defecate the seeds intact.
Drink on the river banks. The act of drinking resembles that of pigeons, is a process of sugar, with the nozzle kept in the water, noting the intake of liquid by the rhythmic movement of the neck.
Mighty "oaao" hoarse; melodious "the, the, the ..." upward; strong bark "Wau; Gaak "(Sick).
Are monogamous, males give food to your female, turning and gently lowering his head, as parents feed their children. The couple caressing each other in the head. Little is known about the wedding ceremonies of these birds. Couple makes a small nest in cipoais sometimes high in the trees or branches on the water or in fallen logs; also take advantage of the abandoned nests of other birds. Can be installed on a branch between gravatá whose leaves she steps, thus obtaining a nest. Add 3 large eggs, uniformly white. The incubation period is 28 days, usually between the months of October to March. The litters are two to three cubs.
It features an excitation signal that is characterized by open and close the fiery tail. Have the tic shake his head. In the evening, before perching, become very restless, with such nervousness - apparently anxious to find a good place to sleep. They live in groups of 6 to 10 individuals.
Inhabits secondary forests, secondary forests, plantations and gallery forests (high forest).
Gostei muito das dicas aqui apresentadas , pois estou criando um filhote que encontrei na mata perdido sem a família, estou oferecendo ração inicial para pintos e agora depois de um mês estou oferendo a ração de crescimento , sempre levemente molhada com leite desnatado morno e ofereço também frutas e brotos de umbaúba ( bananinhas da umbaúba ) e ele esta lindo e bem desenvolvido e muito carinhoso . Esta sendo uma grande experiência para mim !! Renato !! 18/12/2014.