
segunda-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2013



The partridge is a bird in the tinamiforme Tinamidae family. Also known as Perdigão (Rio Grande do Sul), napopé and Inhambupe (Northeast).
His name means the (Greek) = rhunkhos beak; and OTES = presenting characteristic; and (Latin) rufus = red; rufescens = red. ⇒ Ave reddish and with characteristic beak.

Terrestrial bird, measuring between 35 and 37 cm long, the largest bird of the country Tinamidae family. It is very similar to the quail-yellow, differing this to be much larger and the diverse peep.

It feeds mainly on termites, grasshoppers and other insects, as well as roots and tubers that can digging the earth with its strong, long curved beak.

The Partridge Nest is a little hole in the ground, made with dry straw, made by the male. It is the male also hatching broods 3-9 eggs of dark gray to chocolate color, and takes care of the puppies born after about 21 days.
The laying period these birds runs from September to March. At this time singing from dawn, not stopping even in the hottest sun hours. The nest is made under the shelter of a clump of grass. After the female posture, always chirping, sets out to find another companion to prepare new litter. The male is responsible for the incubation of eggs.
In the mating system in Rhynchotus rufescens has been reported a net increase of reproduction by female habit to mate with different males, successively, and the acceptance by the male in incubate and care for their offspring. This exemption incubation and brood care allows female reduce the time between two successive positions, due to faster recovery of energy spent during a breeding period (Menegheti & MARQUES, 1981). Referring to the Rhynchotus rufescens, Lieberman (1936) considers polyandry as an eloquent adaptation to rapid reproduction in a short period, since more than one female would lay in the same nest. Thus, it is quickly reached a minimum number of eggs in the nests usually observed. Incubation was to begin more quickly and thus the nests would be exposed to less risks.

Live in dirty camps closed, and buritizais caatingas. The Partridge is a master of camouflage. When threatened by the approach of an enemy is confused with the grasses, ducking as soon as senses danger. If the stranger approaches even more of hiding, suddenly jumps fast and noisy flight, disappearing over there in grassland.

origin of the name Partridge
Daedalus had so much vanity with their achievements, who could not bear the idea of a rival. His sister gave to his care a child, Perdix, in order to learn the mechanical arts. The girl was a good student and gave remarkable ability tests. Walking, once on the beach, found a fish bone. Imitated it with a piece of iron, which beveled on the edge, making thus the saw. Joined two pieces of iron, holding them at the end with a rivet and sharpening the other two ends, and built a compass. Daedalus was so jealous of the nephew of the inventions that, when the two were together one day on top of a very high tower, threw him out. Minerva, which protects the ability, saw him fall and prevented his death, turning it into a bird, which received its name, the partridge. This bird does not build its nest in trees or flies high, settling in the hedges and, remembering the fall, avoids high places. (Mythology in history)

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