
domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013

Woodpecker white band

Woodpecker white band

The woodpecker-of-band-white is a bird in the Picidae family piciforme. Also known as pica-pau-de-tuft-red.
His name means the (Greek) drus = tree, wood; and Kopos = hit, hit; druokopos = woodpecker; and (Latin) lineatum, lineatus = Lines, striped. ⇒ Woodpecker striped.
It features 2 subspecies in Brazil:
Dryocopus lineatus lineatus.
Dryocopus lineatus erythrops.

It measures about 33 inches long, with crest and red malar groove, wings, upper chest and sides of the head black, white stripe extending from the tip to the side of the chest, throat stained white scapular patches and white belly barred black.
The male presents the anterior region of the head and a track next to the red nozzle; the female has the anterior region of the black head and does not have the red band. In subespécieDryocopus lineatus erythrops may lack the scapular white spot.

They feed on insects, larvae, seeds and fruits. Their food is mainly based on insects, especially drills wood. To find the gallery is giving short knock on wood to delimit the end of the tunnel dug by the larva. At this point, begins to give strong inclined strokes, removing large wood chips to reach the channel. Remove the larva using the long tongue, sticky and with bristles at the tip, like an arrow. Search ants (Azteca sp.), Their eggs and pupae, punching branches embaúba (Cecropia sp.). Also likes fruits such as avocado.

Lives in pairs or in family groups, with the male and the female drumming in long, low sequence. During the breeding season, he digs a hole in a tree edge of the riparian forest, returning to the opening. In this way, can come and go without being hindered by branches. The females of this species of woodpecker lay on average 2-3 eggs, and the male part of care for offspring.

Inhabits the interior and the high edges of forests, secondary forests, dense forests, fields and plantations with scattered trees. Solitary or in pairs lives, tearing the bark and "hammering" trunks and branches in search of insects, both in live trees as dead. Always sleep in hollow, where it is also home to the heavy rain; some prepare cavities for sleeping. Gather up early to sleep.
Voice: prolonged sequence of strong and sound "wet ..." (territorial call, both sexes); sound "bet-wärrr", "gí-gogogo", "bé-be-be-wed" (warning). Prolonged drumming "torrrrrrrr" (both sexes). In the morning, usually mark their territories with characteristic drumming. Choose a hollow tree or branch and give their peculiar beat. Start with a high blow, separate from others and diminish the range and hit high, producing an acceleration in the end.

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