
domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013

Pula pula riverside

Pula pula riverside

The pogo stick-riverside is a passerine bird in the family Parulidae.

It measures 14 cm. Green upper side, lower side white; superciliary band, sides of the head and parts of the lower side acanelados.
Voice, resonant sequence in ascending, 8 monotonous sound whistles, preceded by three lowest diatonic notes.

It feeds on insects.

Reproductive habits ...

Scours trunks, branches and rocks covered with moss or frequents dense taquarais or brass knuckles ferns in primary or secondary forests, beside the furnarídeo john-nut (Lochmias nematura) living in the same biotope. Flashy lands soil and low branches and opens the tail swinging it often in pairs or alone.

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