
domingo, 27 de outubro de 2013



The Burnished-yellow (cayana Tangara) is a passerine bird in the tanager family. It is also popularly known by the names left-of-wings-green, left-yellow, Burnished-cabocla, tanager-Caboclo (Minas Gerais), guriatã-of-coconut (Rio Grande do Norte) and Tanager monkey (Ceará), Frevicente (Pernambuco)

The male has a plumage of golden yellow color and a striking black mask that extends down the throat and through the middle of all the belly, which is different in different subspecies, which are divided into two groups: cayana and flava. The cayana group is found in the northern region of the Amazon and the males lack the black mask, but only a butch dark around the eyes. The flava group is found in most of Brazil, the Northeast to the Southeast and Midwest, and the males have extensive black mask.
The female is paler and lacks the shade of black. In both wings sexes have a bright green color.
Weighs approximately 20 grams and measures 15 centimeters.

This had left feeds on fruits and insects like termites and wasps. Usually frequent feeders and trees with ripe fruit, as the mastic-red (Schinus terebinthifolia), magnolias (Magnolia spp) and Tapia or tanheiro (Alchornea glandulosa).

The nest, open cup-shaped, is made of leaves, roots and grasses and surrounded by fine roots. It is placed on branches with leaves about 2 feet off the ground, at low and isolated trees. The position normally consists of two or three eggs. Eggs are whitish, pale blue or white-brown with brown spots in one of the poles. The female, although aided by the male, is responsible for most of the nest building, incubating the eggs and the chicks warm. During this time the male remains near the nest and some may feed the female. The male also helps to feed the nestlings.

It inhabits open and riparian forests, cultivated areas, parks and gardens. Live in pairs or in small groups.

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