
domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013

end end

end end

The end-end is a passerine bird in the Finch family. Also known as vim-vim (MA and PI), fi-fi-true, come-forth (Natal / RN), saw-saw and puvi (São Paulo). In the Northeast receives the name comes-forth, tanager-fifi or guriatã.

Measures 9.5 inches long and weighs about 8 grams (male).

It is one of the most known species of the genus Euphonia. In the male colorful, another striking feature of this bird is whistled corner, used to contact the group and origin of common names.

His voice can be easily recognized: "di-di", "vi-vi", "come-come" or "fi-fi" (called both sexes). The corner is weak, fast chirped may remember a goldfinch. Also mimic other birds. Male and female are called the wanderings through the woods. In the distance can be mistaken for one of the so-called giggle, when you fi-fi.

The female is an olive green, yellowish and whitish belly forehead.

Frugivorous. Generally lands beside a bunch fruits and ingest one after another. The ingested seeds pass intact through the digestive tract and when eliminated with the feces often adhere to a tree trunk or fall to the ground where they germinate. Thus, these and other species are considered excellent dispersing Euphonia seeds. Much appreciate the berries of the herbs-to-bird, plants of lorantáceas and Viscaceae families in the latter case eat the fruit pulp and seed, dropping the peel. In general, the seeds are defecated in the form of a "string of beads" the branches, but sometimes it may fall on the ground, which do not develop. There is an anatomical peculiarity that distinguishes much this bird, which is the absence of gizzards, being enough stunted crop itself. Such simplicity of the digestive system clearly reveals the fruit-eating regime taken to the extreme.

They reach sexual maturity at about 12 months. Each litter is generally between 2 and 5 eggs, and 2 to 3 offspring per season. The young are born after 15 days.
In the breeding season the male usually be singing during the hottest hours of the day, resting under the canopy. These singing, uses its own corner, elaborate, sometimes mixed with imitations.

Inhabits low and sparse forest, the cerrado, the caatinga, coca fields and mountainous forests (Southeast).

Visit the areas of denser vegetation in search of insects and fruits, always high in the tree or larger shrubs. Usually move into the foliage of the cups, not approaching the ground inside the branches.

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