
quarta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2013



Japan's Nightingale is a bird held captive for more than a century. The first animal of this species to be imported into Europe, arrived in Germany in the 1860s. Despite its name, this bird is mainly found in Southeast Asia, in the area of the Himalayas, but small flakes can be found in Japan.

The scientific name of Japan's Nightingale, Leiothrix lutea means, translated literally, soft yellow feather. In Greek, "Leios" means "suave2," thrix "means" shame "and" luteus "means" yellow ".

Like pretty woodland. They live close to the ground in shrubs are quite common to two thousand feet, but can be found earlier, the almost six thousand meters. Are usually sighted in groups or in pairs, especially during the breeding season.

Japan's Nightingale is not threatened in the state, but is listed in CITES, which means that the sale must be accompany by the corresponding CITES number.

Japan's Nightingale is a sociable bird that gets along with birds of the same or other species. In the breeding time, there may be friction with other birds and these nightingales can even attack the eggs of other couples, especially smaller. However, they are birds that like to live in groups, though often be coveted by the corner. Hence the owners opt by hosting them independently.

Japan's Nightingale is mostly gray, with the region of yellow throat that turns orange as it descends the chest. The beak is orange. The wings have a brown spot near the shoulder and black and yellow stripes. The tail is black.

You can not visually distinguish male from female. Although the stain breast can vary in size, does not serve to clearly identify the sex of the bird. The best way is to opt for a DNA test or else trying to figure out if the guy sings, if you do, is male.

Young people have the plumage with paler colors.
Japan's Nightingale needs a variety of foods to make their food. The fruit and seeds make up a large part of their diet.


Mixture for canaries

Vegetables and Fruit

Berries, banana, apple, pear, spinach, papaya

live feed

Earthworms, ants, butterfly larvae, moths, spiders.

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