
quinta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2013

Well see you

Well see you

The well-te-vi is a passerine bird in the family of the tyrant flycatchers. Known also as well-te-vi-crowned and well-te-vi-true, is probably the most popular bird of our country and can be found in cities, forests, trees by the water, crops and pastures. In densely forested regions inhabits shores and river beaches.
It is also very popular in other countries where it occurs, getting onomatopoeic names in various languages as kiskadee in English, qu'est ce in French (Guyana) and bichofêo in Spanish (Argentina).
There is even a story that says the well-saw you would be the hated bird by God because when Jesus hid the soldiers who wanted to kill him, the well-te-vi saw Jesus hidden and began to sing: "well you saw and saw you, and saw you, then the soldiers arrested Jesus thanks to the bird "said he saw Jesus hidden". Of course it is a fictional story, but it is still interesting.

Medium-sized bird, well-te-vi is between 20.5 and 25 inches long and about 60 grams. Has brown back and the belly of a bright yellow; a stripe (eyebrow) white on top of the head, above the eyes; black tail. The beak is black, flat, long, sturdy and slightly curved. The neck (area below the nozzle) must be white. It has a yellow tuft only visible when the bird the bristles in certain situations.
Its characteristic trisyllabic corner recalls the well-te-vi syllables that give the name to the species. So its popular name has onomatopoeic word.
There are several species of tyrant flycatchers with the same pattern of colors, among which 4 are particularly similar to the well-te-vi: the Boat-billed Flycatcher (pitangua Megarynchus), the bentevizinho-the-swamp (Philohydor lictor), and the two gender bentevizinhos Myiozetetes, the bentevizinho-de-plume-red (Myiozetetes similis) and the bentevizinho-winged-ferruginea (Myiozetetes cayanensis). The Boat-billed Flycatcher is the same size as the well-te-vi, but has a bigger and much wider nozzle, bentevizinho-the-swamp is thinner, smaller and has the beak proportionally more tuned flat. Have the gender bentevizinhos Myiozetetes are smaller, have tapered and proportionally smaller beak and less defined white eyebrows.

It has a varied diet. It is insectivorous and may eat hundreds of insects daily. But also eat fruit (such as bananas, papayas, apples, oranges, Surinam cherries and many others), eggs of other birds, flower gardens, earthworms, small snakes, lizards, crustaceans, and fish and tadpoles of rivers and lakes shallow and even small rodents. Usually eat parasites (ticks) of cattle and horses. Although it is more common to see him catch insects resting on branches, is also common attack them during the flight.
Enjoying the fruits of fruit-of-thrush or marianeira (Acnistus arborescens), chala chala-(Allophyllus edulis), araticum or marolo (Annona coriacea), black maria (Solanum americanum), yellow magnolia (Michelia champaca) and Tapia or tanheiro (glandulosa Alchornea). In Natal / RN, despite not having recorded in photos, an individual eating feed was checked for dogs for several days.
In short, is a bird that is always discovering new forms of food. Because of their general diet, sometimes contributes to the control of insect pests, including urban termites.

Makes big nest and spherical, with grass and small plants of branches in tree branches generally well drawn, with side entrance; however, have been found nesting in open cup format. You can use to build your nest, particularly in urban areas, human source material such as paper, plastic and wires. Add 2 to 4 egg cream color with a few red-brown marks. There are many nesting records in cavities in trees, rocks and artificial structures in several countries; is therefore cavinidícola bird (which nests in cavities).
Note my (Celio Rockenbach) in three different couples. The couple changed the place of the nest. The nest was made in another tree with the use of branches and old nest material.

They are aggressive, threatening to hawks and vultures when these are close to their "territory". Usually land on prominent places such as poles and tops of trees. One can easily see it singing in telephone wires, on roofs or bathing in ponds or fountains in public squares. As we can see, has great adaptability. It is one of the first to sing at dawn. Usually walks alone, but can be seen in groups of three or four that are usually together in television antennas.

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