
domingo, 27 de outubro de 2013



The crack-iron-true is a passerine bird in the tanager family.
In Brazil there are about eight Saltator gender forms, all relatively similar. Only one species, the pen-and-pepper is quite different, because a black mask down to the throat, and the nozzle has a really intense orange color. Very hunted and appreciated for their beautiful singing.
Also called crack-iron, beak-rail, tempera-viola, pixarro, pipirão, estevo, papa-banana (Santa Catarina), titicão, great-chica and called chico (São Paulo).

A little smaller than other species of the same genus, have the same black and strong beak that originated the common name of these birds. As in tempera-viola (Saltator maximus), has green back, tail and sides of the gray head. The eyebrow stripe is the longest of the three species (adult bird), with the "mustache" less defined and throat all white. Below, dominates the gray on the sides, becoming orange brown and white in the center of the belly. Green wings. The youth does not have the stripe so extensive, and the same failed or non-existent, as they exit the nest.
Very energetic and fortified nozzle (what gave imprint the name "crack-iron"), with different tail in size. There is no physical difference between males and females.
His singing varies somewhat from region to region, while maintaining the same tone. To distinguish male from female is necessary to understand the male song and the chirp of the female.

The crack-iron-true is a typical omnivorous, feeding on fruits, insects, seeds, leaves and flowers (such as the ipe). Enjoying the fruits of Tapia or tanheiro (glandulosa Alchornea). As a child your diet is predominantly animal. The male usually brings food to his female.

The nest is built in bushes to 1 or 2 meters high, is a large bowl, with about 12 inches outside diameter, made with large safe and dry leaves for a few branches, resulting in a loose construction; inside are placed small roots and herbs. 2 or 3 eggs, elongated, measuring about 29 by 18 mm and are light blue or blue-green, with small and large spots on the pole hole, forming a crown. During the breeding season live strictly to couples being extremely loyal to a territory.

They live in barns, edges of woods and clearings. Is always associated with forests, occupying the middle and upper strata.

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