
domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013



The ladybug is a passerine bird in the family Parulidae. Also known as figuinha-Bahia (Brazil), turns leaves (Rio de Janeiro) and sissy-the-south.

Has a length of 10 centimeters and a weight of 7.5 grams. The color is spectacular, the contrast between the bright yellow of the ventral region (orange chest and bluish gray back). The area around the eyes is black and points, and the two white stripes on the wings and white outer tail feathers in. It also has white Crisso jaw and light-colored. In the middle of the back has a yellowish area, visible only under excellent lighting and when the bird has that place in their somersaults in search of food.
Although these colors, can go unnoticed among tall antlers. Your corner, a burst of accelerated high notes in the middle and gathered to finish more spaced notes. Serves as a contact for members of the couple.

Feeding on insects, small spiders and caterpillars, obtained in flowers and sometimes directly in flight. The ladybug can also take advantage of sugary excretion of aphids, hovering in the air to lick it.

Their reproductive period begins in August and has its end in November. The nest is an open basket, placed inside the dense vegetation, high in the trees, or in hanging braided beard-of-old (Tillandsia usneoides). The eggs are creamy white with little purple splashes measuring 19 x 13 mm.

Inhabiting the tops of the tallest trees of the dry forest and savanna forests, occasionally descends to the lower strata in the regions of edge and clearings. Avoid humid plains, and in higher humidity regions is mainly found in mountainous areas.
Lives in pairs or solitary, following mixed flocks in the pantry or hunting on their own. It is quite restless behavior and sings tirelessly, even in the hottest hours of the day.

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