
domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013

Woodpecker Green-barred

Woodpecker Green-barred

The Woodpecker Green-barred is a bird in the Picidae family piciforme. Midsize, also known as Woodpecker carijó (Rio de Janeiro).

It measures 28 cm. The greenish plumage further camouflages. In the head, characteristic division between red and black, unique among woodpeckers, highlights the large white area around the eyes. Up close and in good light, the black balls in the breast plumage and belly can be seen. Males with small red mustache on the nozzle base.

Presents a series of adaptations for feeding and locomotion. To capture ants and termites, for example, produce a secretion that acts as a sticky adhesive to give tongue preensora capacity of a rod with lime. Also, the tail acts as a support body for vertical substrates. To climb a trunk, woodpecker jumps up, feet parallel, "sitting" on the tail at each stop. Through horizontal Ramaria, however, jumps like a crow. To demarcate territory, warning rivals, and as a means of communication between males and females, perform tamborilações. These consist of hitting the nozzle in dry sticks, protruding shells, hollow logs and even steel plates, only to produce rumor. It feeds on ants and larvae of other insects, especially beetles. Down to the bushes and the ground to collect the former. Come fleshy fruits, especially in winter, when reducing the amount of insects.

In the reproductive period (from July), males begin the territorial call season. The rest of the year shyness disappears, giving place to a calling intense, continuous, especially in the early morning periods. On these occasions, choose some traditional landings in high branches, several exposed. Can sing for days in the same place (sometimes weeks), sending a loud and like to laugh with Woodpecker-of-field.
The male displays to the female pre-wedding party. The couple prepares a cavity for the nest preferably in the wood of dead trees, but often uses palm trees and trumpet trees. Prefer digging in the face of the tree leaning into the soil, which facilitates protection from the rain and the defense of the entrance. The incubatória chamber is usually lined with small pieces of wood produced during the nest construction. Two to four bright white eggs are laid, both parents taking turns in the incubation. The young are born naked and blind and are fed by parents who regurgitate a mass of insects.


Lives in gallery forests, savannas, cerradões, caatingas, fields with trees and on the edge of forests. It is increasingly common in urban areas.

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