
domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013

Tanager fire

Tanager fire

The Tanager of fire is a passerine bird in the Cardinals family. Also known as canary of the woods, burning field, mother of the sun, canary-baize, canary St. John (MG).
His name means "fire red and golden yellow." Piranga in Tupi is red, Pyros in Greek is fire and flavos (Latin or Greek) is golden yellow.

It measures about 17.5 inches long and weighs about 38 grams (male). Of marked sexual diformismo, the male is easily identified by brightly colored almost entirely carmine, cambiando to brownish in the upper parts. The female is yellow bottom side alive. The immature male is green and orange mixed plumage, remaining for a year.
Strong "tchip", "tcháp", "tcherit" (call); stanza melodious although little varied, p. ex., "Djib-Djulö-Djulö-Djib" (corner).

It feeds on insects, fruits, leaves, buds and also nectar.

Plays all year in certain places and states that sometimes use nests of dove-purple (Columbine talpacoti) as the basis for its nest. The female lays 2-5 eggs, blue-green with black spots scattered or reddish, which incubates alone for 12 to 16 days. Females create, sometimes puppies from another species as Chopim (Molothrus bonariensis).

Openly lands on top of tall trees (in contrast to Ramphocelus), moves in fiery flying at the height of the cups. Lives in sparse forest and deciduous, savannah and eucalyptus geldings.

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