
sábado, 9 de novembro de 2013

Eagle hawk

Eagle hawk

The Harpy eagle is a bird accipitriforme Accipitridae family. It is also known as Hawk-de-plume, Guiraçu (Uirá, güira = bird, açu = large), Harpy and Uiraçu.
Although not the largest of predatory birds on the planet, is considered the strongest. It has powerful beak and its guarras are larger than the American brown bear, your legs is the size of a fist of an adult man.
It has a very slow population growth. This fact, coupled with the destruction of large forest areas and indiscriminate hunting, makes the endangered species in our country.
Conservation Program Hawk-Real: Created in 1997 by the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA), coordinated by Dr. Tania Sanaiotti, the project seeks to protect the real-hawk of its main threats:. Hunting and deforestation. Despite the size and strength, the real-hawk is fragile. Legend has it that the bird in the forest of sharp claws attack people and eat children, which stimulates the killing. The expansion of agriculture and removal of timber for sale is another risk factor, since the species need large areas to survive and preserved only intertwines the nest in the fastest growing trees. To guard it, there remains another way, without awareness.

It measures about 105 cm long and up to 230 cm wingspan. The male measures about 57 cm and weighs 4.8 kg. The female measures about 90 cm and weighing up to 9 kg.

It feeds on large animals, such as real-laziness, curassows, coatás, capuchin monkeys and howler monkeys, deer puppies, blue-macaws, seriemas, armadillos, crab-grass, iguanas and snakes. It's quick and strong in its investees, being able to boot sloths clinging to tree branches. There are reports of the capture of a howler monkey male weighed about 6.5 kg.

Nests on top of the larger trees, as sumaumeiras and chestnut trees, from which notes all around. The nest, as big as a Jabiru, is built with piles of branches. Add 2 gray-whitish eggs between September and November, which weigh around 110 g and their period of 52 days incubation. Usually only one chick survives may occur cainismo, taking about five months to fly, and 2-3 years to become adult, depending on parental care for a year or more. The species does not reproduce every year, because it requires more than a year to complete the reproductive period.

Rare species, inhabits dense primary forests and gallery forests. Solitary lives or in pairs in the treetops. Despite its size, it is quite agile and hard to see.

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