
segunda-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2013



The Tiziu is a passerine bird in the Emberizidae family. Also known as tizirro, jumper, veludinho, papa-rice, pile driver (Rio de Janeiro), sawyer, Sierra mountain range and tailor.
His name means the (Latin) Volatinia short for volatus = flight, short flight; and (Tupi) jacarini = one who flies up and down. ⇒ (short flight bird flying up and down). This reference is peculiar to the type of flight practiced by this bird, at the same time that jumps up and lands in the same place of origin, issues its characteristic song "ti" "you" "Pee-wit."

It has about 11.5 inches long. The male is all black with blue metallic luster, except for a small white spot on the underside of the wings.
The female is brown-olive on top, yellow-brown on the bottom, with the chest and streaks of dark side. Females and immatures are almost identical to several other species of the family, especially the females of the Pope-grasses.


It feeds mainly grass seeds as Brachiaria, but also capture insects. Do you usually feeders with seeds and corn grits.

Breeds at any time of year, at least in some warm regions close to the equator, as in Belém (PA). When you release your corner (similar to the sound of the word "Pee-wit," which earned him the popular name), especially during reproduction, the male gives a short leap into the air and shows a white area under the wing, returning to empoleirar- in the same location. It is believed that this ritual is to defend their territory. Nests in the form of a thin deep cup on grasses. Add 1-3 white-blue eggs with brown-red spots.

These little birds are seen with great frequency, usually in pairs, in altered areas, open fields, grasslands, low fields and cleared of South America, except in the far south. Live in pairs during the breeding season, however, out of this, meets in groups of up to tens of individuals. In these situations, often mixed with other species of birds that feed on seeds. In regions of the Southeast and South, as in São Paulo, disappears during the winter, migrating to warmer regions.

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